100 Days of Vue
Webpage & Indexer of #100DaysOfVue where can be
found all projects made.
Each project:
- must be developed on at
least two
consecutive days (recommended on weekends).
- must be JAMStack
(Javascript + API + Markup) using Vue
- must have its own
repository on Github,
under the same organization.
- must be accessed from the URL:
- can use LocalStorage
as local database (if applicable).
- SHOULD be using JEXIA, if
requires some kind of external storage.
- must be documented with a README.md file, explaining
what they need for its operation and what was learned during the
Projects suggested
All projects listed here are optional, so you can feel free to get rid of
some of those projects and make others either way.
(*) but it is also a pun in Spanish 😉
Additional commitments
- Each project completed should be shared, on
social media, promoting both
hashtags #100DaysOfCode and #100DaysOfVue,
with a brief summary of what was learned.
- Each project should be ended within the
suggested. Consider how
much hours
do you need each day to reach the goal.
- All images in each project should be
uploaded on SVG format (except favicons).
- Each project can be use a CSS framework to
shorten the developing time, also a
CSS pre-processor. There are no limitations in which framework can be
- All projects can be developed using Flat
, Material
Design, or whatever UI pattern design you
but you must be consistent in which pattern design you choose. I mean,
if the
first project you completed (whatever it was) you made it on a Material
you should complete all remaining projects in that UI pattern design.
Good luck and May the force be with you! 😌