
100 Days of Vue

Webpage & Indexer of #100DaysOfVue where can be found all projects made.


Each project:

  1. must be developed on at least two consecutive days (recommended on weekends).
  2. must be JAMStack (Javascript + API + Markup) using Vue Framework.
  3. must have its own repository on Github, under the same organization.
  4. must be accessed from the URL: https://<organizationURL>/<projectName>
  5. can use LocalStorage as local database (if applicable).
  6. SHOULD be using JEXIA, if requires some kind of external storage.
  7. must be documented with a file, explaining what they need for its operation and what was learned during the process.

Projects suggested

All projects listed here are optional, so you can feel free to get rid of some of those projects and make others either way.

(*) but it is also a pun in Spanish ðŸ˜‰

Additional commitments

Good luck and May the force be with you! 😌
